Thursday, July 26, 2007

Meeting with Ze'ev Klorfeld

SO there was saved post, but there isn't anymore.. so let's see what I remember:
So we talked about how the perception of everything, no just art, is switching around along the times from "generic->particular" to "particular->generic" and back. I'm writing all this in a very generic way cause Ze'ev is very hard to follow and it's been over a month!

He talked a lot about the effects it had on genetic research. In his class (hey, 3 years is a long time, and I don't have the notes!) he talked about visual culture effects too.

He mentioned Guy Deutcher's book (which I actually bought that day right before and am finding pretty soon, need to write a post about it) to discuss the origins of language (it's not quite about that, but maybe more towards the end, he'll get there)

Also he recommended reading a guy named Lakoff..I need to get on to that.

I wish I'd recorded that conversation. Party-time advising is the best. And I feel I missed a lot of it.


Meeting with shay'ke :)

Lots of talking, a lot of contradiction and questions, and some interesting exchanges. The one thing I don't know how I didn't consider it, althugh there are pros and cons. Maybe, instead of using the MRI fMRI thing, using electrodes, and getting direct electrical pulses from the brain (functions?!).
The price will be to almost completely give up on the visual step-by-step-ing the MRI thing gave me (visual image, visual dig-scan, visual brain-scan, non-interface processing and cisual output VS. visual image, electrical brain output (and then should have an electrical output from the computer) , non-interface processing and visual output).

I have loads of wikipedia pages to check out and some German and Israeli Brains to pick.


Monday, July 09, 2007

BRAINiac?? updating on todays thoughts

So. In Israel now. No work, nothing to do but think (and, you And see some people..). My mom and I were talking "future", which made us eventually talk about school, and then thesis, and that made me make into words some stuff I was thinking about the brain stuff.. it's starting to be sort of cool. I am thinking, if this will end up being my direction- maybe do a good thourough research and a sort of Demo for the actual thesis projects thing and then maybe later on develop this more. far what I havea is this:

Since I already explained about the whole "language as a political communications interface" I won't write abou tit right now, but this is what I was sort of continuing here.

So I want to create a way for man and machine tocommunicate in a non-language based way. I already talked about brain scans vs. binary, so What I thought is to try and creat an experience based communication, for example to show an Image to a person, and do a brain scan (with the whole system of scanning with interavals (LOTS of figuring out left to do here!), and scan in the same image and save it on a machine, and have it translate to binary (figuring..out...wanna make it objective,so might put myself in trouble there). and then basically have a translation of the binary of the computer and the results of the brain scan converted (somehow, don't know, need to research if I go for this) to electrical pulses transmitted to the man/machine..

So we have a unique image interpretation that is language free..?! ugh. confusing. Maybe start just from one of them (man?!), transmit to the other and start a conversation, pulse based, and at the end(?!) of it make out bitmap images from the 01 transcript. Hmm..brain processing.

I'm loosing the political edge. Maybe I need to think about this some more (maybe...fer sure!!). Grrrr!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

clarifications about language (rant alert!)

So there was a small jump that I didn't quite explain. Talking (well, typing..) about my ideas to Ms. Why, I realized that and am now here to rectify the situation.

In between all the ideas I was really trying to reach to the reason everything is eventually political. I know it is a lot about money, and that is the most common and contemporary reasons that make people create, well.. anything. But I have a feeling there is more than that..I mean, even before modern technology was around, It's not like politics didn't exist ,and its not like its existence was honest all the time. SO I had to figure out what was that interface..that was making us be political without knowing.

So my conclusion for now is that it's language. Forcing things into pre-thought of templates of verbal communication is a political act. I realize we don't really at this stage have much choice. To be able to communicate concepts like black and white we had to make a "thing" that is common to a large group of people. But maybe if more people were aware of those bounds..maybe it would make it difference. Maybe not every concept is meant to be communicated coherently, maybe the room for mistake is what will create honest communication that is independent of preconceived notions.

wow.. now my brain hurts.

So thats how i ended up thinking about pure b2b (brain to binary) communications. In the original thoughts I had some synesthesia ideas in there, I guess I tracked back a little bit into that, only maybe even bypassing the senses (damn those Germans and their MRI (fMRI??) making me think way way WAY beyond my abilities!)

ok enough for now.


mad mad me

So far I've discovered that the world is lucky I'm not smart enough to actually produce any of my ideas...I'd be the perfect mad scientist!


and today's recent idea

After meeting in Chicago 2 great German boys (aka Blondie and ScwullarFrosch) that do MRI development in levels way way way beyond my comprehension, I looked a little bit online at their stuff and tried to find some brain activities scan infromations, these are the thoughts i got form all this.
I was messing around with the idea of non-verbal communications between man and machine from a couple of ideas ago..sort of sense based or..Interfaceless communication, and I thought how cool it could be if you managed to map out thoughts and through motion detection software translate those into commands (or even simpler- like a button click) and then use something like muscle wire to get the output from the computer back to the human and keep reading those totally "natural" reactions (brain scan based motion detection on the human side and electricity on the machine side) to create a dialogue.


retrospective again...I'm not updating fast enough!

So talking to Genius, I changed the idea was maybe a month ago.
So really, I wanted to make a more obvious stand. I want to show how every choice we make, technological more than others- is political.
Tech companies get funding very often from the government, because their products are being used to support the current administration's budget choices.

anyhow..the way I want to make this come through is by finding out which companies get those kind of fundings (no idea really how im gonna do that...remains to be seen..) and re-creating their products in a way that when a user is turning somehting on (or pushing a button) a certain amount (not too big) of pain will be inflicted on the user (little zaps, blindingish lights, bad sounds, tightning muscle wire..i dont know).

That way- made to put an emphasis on the price someone is paying everytime we push a button.
