Tuesday, July 03, 2007

and today's recent idea

After meeting in Chicago 2 great German boys (aka Blondie and ScwullarFrosch) that do MRI development in levels way way way beyond my comprehension, I looked a little bit online at their stuff and tried to find some brain activities scan infromations, these are the thoughts i got form all this.
I was messing around with the idea of non-verbal communications between man and machine from a couple of ideas ago..sort of sense based or..Interfaceless communication, and I thought how cool it could be if you managed to map out thoughts and through motion detection software translate those into commands (or even simpler- like a button click) and then use something like muscle wire to get the output from the computer back to the human and keep reading those totally "natural" reactions (brain scan based motion detection on the human side and electricity on the machine side) to create a dialogue.



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