Friday, September 28, 2007

3nd Thesis Group Meeting 21-09-07

Well this was the first class of project presentations. I was the first to present. this concluded in the decision to not be first anymore (we spent and hour and a half just talking about relating things...although relevant to others, they probably felt kind of bad.

The things that came up regarding my research:
* Claude Shannon - developer of computer and information theory:
the feedback loop has information flowing between the receiver and the transmitter. At any stage there could be a noise interrupting the transmission.
* Artists get to play with noise, creating a whole new message to transmit.
* Charles Saunders Peirce - I can't pretend to fully understand what this American/Scientist meant in his theories. It divides the world to 3 (Triadic Relationship):
Firstness: qualities (colour), possibilities, present. React with no thought, senses.
Secondness: specifics, change, actions (caused by firstness). Forces working in opposite directions.
Thirdness: past, based on experience, generalities, prediction, pattern
This is an evolutionary theory/

* Gregory Bateson - information is a difference that makes a difference (in a world where everything is blue, the concept of blue is meaningless)

* Rupert Sheldrake

* digital::discontinuous / analog::continuous

* Who is the audience? interactive? viewer?
* What's my context? Am I creating art within the discussion of art? What makes it that?

* Bruno Latour and the A.N.T



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